Sunday, April 26, 2009

VI by I Part II/ Ratings

If I was going to design a 6X1 Part Dos I would make the first one a prereq (duh!). However, when you get into the second class you pick 2 methods of film making that were discussed in part 1 and make two three minute films. It would be called 2X3. In addition to the films each student should have to do a presentation on a filmmaker (much like the presentations in animation.) Grades would be based on proof of work on the two projects throughout the year, student participation, and the film maker presentation. On top of that ONE of the films made by each student must be entered into a film festival thats not put on by UNCW or someone affiliated. Or the class could work on a film in class as a whole and then submit that at the end. It would be a good class to delve deeper into the idea of film as art like we cover in the avant garde classes. I think more people need to be exposed to the really art out films that are made because when something is broken down like that one is able to have more creativity on the medium. Cover people like Warhol and the like who made really short and long films with simple subject matters. Then people will get a better idea of where a lot of current films get their influence. They may also be influenced but in a different way and create an entirely new genre! That would be intense.

Assignment Ratings
  1. Rythmic Editing
  2. Cameraless (Filmpainting)
  3. Found Footage
  4. 1 Shot
  5. Animation
  6. 48 Hour
Rythmic: This was my favorite because of the amount of freedom we were allowed. I'm not saying we were really limited on the other assignments, just that a digital camera makes it so much easer to capture images. I also enjoyed this one because the editing was like building a puzzle. Our footage came out really nicely and I really enjoyed shooting it even though it was really cold.

I didnt want to say that any of the projects were my leave favorite because in terms of projects they were all really fun to shoot. The only reason I put the 48 Hour at the bottom was because the tape got eaten and no one got to see it on the night of CSFF. Overall I was very happy with the outcome of all my projects and wouldnt suggest changing a thing. The thing I enjoyed the most was the variety between the projects.

Yes men! Response

I really enjoyed the Yes Men documentary we watched in class. I wish there were more people likes these guys who point out the ridiculousness of the current world we live in. How far gone are we as a nation were a group of highly educated individuals can sit through their lectures but a bunch college students cant catch that discrepancies right away. I'm not saying that I'm surprised that the college kids got it first (of course we are the best group at calling out bullshit, its practically everyone hobby) I'm saying its pathetic that the adults just sit through it like it was a sex ed seminar. It's these same adults that lambaste us college kids for not being current or smart but at least we see and bitch about the amount of change that needs to happen. We just don't fight harder because we don't want to piss away all the time in our life when we are physically attractive.
Back to the Yes Men. These guys relate to assignment #6 more than #5 because of their methods of culture jamming. Instead of re contextualizing news footage through editing they just go inside and change it from within. Which brings me to something else ridiculous about how they operate. The WTO is a very highly regarded organization and you would expect that someone from either in the news networks or in the WTO would be checking up on these guys. These are the kind of scary realizations one has in college when they start to realize that the world is a much less organized and caring place. It's full of neglect and greed, even when you climb all they way up to things like the friggin World Trade Organization and network news. The way things are going these guys will probably end up getting tazed a bunch of times then "accidently" dieing in a prison cell. Anyone who asks questions will probably meet the same fate. I predict that culture jamming will be illegal in our lifetime.